
February 8, 2019

YIKES! These Are The Most Common STIs Spread During Valentine’s Day

STI Health

Look Out for These STIs This Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, one thing is on most couple’s minds: intercourse. Most men spend the entire week attempting to plan the best Valentine’s Day to get lucky that night hopefully. While trying to get lucky, your friends at Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women want you to keep up with your STI Health and use protection or get tested before getting busy this holiday season.

Preventive measures:

As most know, the best way to not transfer STIs and protect your health is not to have sex. You risk your sexual health every time you have intercourse regardless if you’re protected or not. If you can’t resist, using latex condoms is a great way to stop the spread of STIs. Washing before and after intercourse is a great way to kill bacteria. Lastly, getting tested and knowing your STI Health before intercourse will put you on the best path for having healthy intercourse.

What are the most common STIs spread during Valentine’s Day?

You’ve been waiting an entire year for this day but contracting an STI will definitely ruin it. Here are the most common STIs spread during Valentine’s Day. Remember, wrap it up.


HPV is the most common STD in the US. Human Papillomavirus is generally harmless and goes away by itself, but in some cases, it can lead to cancer or genital warts. This STI is transmitted to vaginal, anal, or oral sex just as most STIs, but there is no cure. The virus may lay dormant in your body, but in all, it is still present. There are several things you can do to help your body clear the virus and lower your chances of HPV turning into cancer, but it all starts with getting vaccinated and practicing safe sex.


Chlamydia is the most commonly reported STI in the nation. Also known nicknamed The Clap, the bacterial infection can be contracted very easily. Almost 3 million Americans are diagnosed with Chlamydia every year. The most common age group for this STI is 14-21 years old, but it can still be present in older sexually active beings.

The Clap is spread through oral, anal, or vaginal sex making the condom one of the best preventative measures. Symptoms for Chlamydia in women include yellowish or strong smelling vagina discharge, swelling inside of your vagina, and pain or burning when you urinate. If left untreated, Chlamydia can truly do damage to your body.


Gonorrhea is the second most common reported STI that infects both men and women. It can be transferred during sex through vaginal, anal, and oral intercourse. It usually affects the younger generation ages 15-24 but can reach older adults if left untreated. Symptoms in both men and women can go unnoticed, and many times in women, it can be mistaken as a bladder infection.

In men, some symptoms include unusual discharge from the penis, swollen testicles, and a burning sensation when urinating. In women, increased vaginal discharge may be present, pain when urinating vaginal bleeding between periods, or painful bowel movements.

Gonorrhea left unchecked can also lead to serious STI Health problems along with long-term damage to your body. Gonorrhea can spread to the blood and cause infections like disseminated gonococcal or DGI.

Maintain STI Health this Valentine’s Day | Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women’s Health

This Valentine’s Day, play it safe. While getting lucky may be on your mind, an STI shouldn’t be. Chlamydia, HPV, and Gonorrhea are the most common of several types of STIs and viruses out there contracted by unprotected sex.

Be smart this Valentine’s Day. Get tested with your partner before the holiday season and choose to use some form of preventive measure before pleasure. For STI checks or questions about STIs, feel free to give our team a call.

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