Colposcopy Procedure
If you have taken a pap smear that has shown abnormal results, our professionals at Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women may recommend that you have a colposcopy procedure done. This procedure examines the cervix, vulva, and uterus more closely in order to identify potentially cancerous areas.
A Colposcopy Can Also Identify:
- Genital warts
- Cervix inflammation
- Cancerous cells
- Precancerous tissue of the cervix or vagina
This procedure is very low risk and merely serves as a method to diagnose symptoms and take a biopsy to examine if needed. Bleeding and pelvic pain are risks that can occur during any biopsy, but those side effects are very rare.
Gynecology Colposcopy
During your colposcopy procedure, our medical experts will utilize a speculum in order to closely inspect the area. Attached is a magnifying device and a light that will allow the doctor to thoroughly search for any abnormalities. If an area of concern is discovered, our professionals will collect a small sample of tissue in the form of a cervical biopsy or vaginal biopsy that will then go through laboratory testing.
Expected Symptoms for a Biopsy
Our colposcopy procedures are relatively short, ranging from as little as 10 to 20 minutes. If nothing is found and a biopsy is not taken, you will not have any limitations or recovery time following the procedure. In the case that a biopsy is necessary, you may experience light spotting, discharge, and vaginal soreness for a few days after. However, symptoms should not surpass mild discomfort.
Call Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women now at (305) 595-6488 or click here to be examined by some of the best gynecological experts in Miami.