Tag Archives: Yeast Infection

10 Common Issues Relating To Gynecology And How To Tackle Them

Gynecological health is an essential topic for women of all ages. However, due to societal norms or inadequate knowledge, issues related to gynecological health are often overlooked. Gynecology encompasses a range of medical aspects specific to women, including the female reproductive system, pelvic health, and more. This field is about treating health concerns and focuses […]

Blog, Gynecologist, Gynecology Exam, Health, Menstrual Irregularities

This is Why You Have a Yeast Infection

What You Need to Know About Yeast Infections and Yeast Infection Cures Being a woman is hard work. You’re expected to not only take care of the family and maintain a superwoman status, but you are also responsible for your vagina. Yes, the organ between your legs needs more attention than a periodical wax or […]

Blog, Dr. Susan Fox

Put Down the Vagisil: Here are the Best at Home Remedies for a Yeast Infection

How to Treat a Yeast Infection Home remedies are certainly increasing in popularity the more time goes on for a seemingly endless amount of ailments. Numerous solutions exist that claim to help common illnesses,  cold and flu symptoms, overall lethargy, and now, even assisting women with their yeast infections.

Blog, Dr. Susan Fox, Gynecologist, OBGYN Miami