
May 29, 2020

What You Need to Know About Stress and Your Menstrual Cycle

Birth Control Care

How Stress Affects Your Menstrual Cycle

Regular menstrual cycles usually indicate normal hormone levels and are a sign of overall female health.

However, if your cycle is irregular, that doesn’t mean that something is seriously wrong with you. Changes in your menstrual cycle can be related to stress. While it is always good to see a doctor if you experience changes, how women cope with stress does affect their menstrual cycles. 

Read on to learn more from Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women about how stress affects a period and how stress reduction techniques and birth control care can help!

Stress and Menstruation

Sudden and prolonged periods of stress can significantly impact reproductive hormones. Stress interferes with regular ovarian function, especially the production of estrogen and progesterone. In addition to late periods, individuals may experience other symptoms.

Late periods can occur as eggs grow, and the ovaries make estrogen. However, it can take a longer time for a woman to ovulate. In these instances, the beginning phases of the typical menstrual cycle will take much longer with a later overall cycle.

Missed periods take place when ovaries produce less-than-adequate estrogen. The uterus lining will not grow at all, resulting in no period during the cycle.

Irregular periods involve growing eggs with high enough estrogen levels. Unfortunately, ovulation still doesn’t occur. When an irregular period takes place, the uterus lining breaks down before shedding off. 

Bleeding may take place early on or even late. Some women even bleed on and off for a notable time. This is a response to adaptations in the normal patterns of secretion and hormone production. 

When levels remain low, ovaries will likely not produce an adequate amount of estrogen. 

Whenever experiencing issues in the menstrual cycle and irregular periods, seeking assistance from a qualified gynecologist is crucial.

Can Birth Control Help?

A gynecologist will commonly prescribe birth control care to help treat irregular periods. This approach is effective in preventing pregnancy, and also helps regulate the cycles of patients who suffer from irregular, heavy, severely painful, and unusually long menstrual periods.

The hormones present in birth control care methods such as  IUDs and birth control pills mimic the body’s estrogen and progesterone. This can help the body experience periods that occur on a reliable schedule.

The low dose of hormones from birth control care additionally prevents uterine linings from growing too thick. This means that women that suffer from excessive or painful periods often feel relief while utilizing an IUD or other birth control method.

With less lining to shed, this means less potential for painful cramps and heavy bleeding.

Information on Stress and How it Can Affect the Menstrual Cycle from Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women

It is important to remember that irregular bleeding and menstrual cycles can indicate a more severe condition that treatments like birth control care simply cannot correct. It is always important to seek out a gynecologist when experiencing any irregularities or symptoms.

Like any health decision, choosing the right course of treatment isn’t easy. A gynecologist can help decide on the optimal treatment options based on a patient’s unique, individual needs.

Our team from Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women works hard to help our patients analyze and address their health in a comfortable and welcoming environment. To learn more about your menstrual cycle, birth control care, or anything else relating to women’s health, contact us today!

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