
December 4, 2020

Three Secrets You Shouldn’t Keep from Your Gynecologist

OB/GYN Miami

It may seem TMI to tell your doctor certain things, but trust us—no amount of information about your body is too much for your OB/GYN in Miami. Help your doctor give you the most accurate diagnoses and the best treatment options by not keeping any secrets!

Your gynecologist or OB/GYN should be the person you are as honest as possible with about your female health. It may seem TMI to tell your doctor certain things, but trust us—no amount of information about your body is too much for your OB/GYN in Miami. Help your doctor give you the most accurate diagnoses and the best treatment options by not keeping any secrets!

Pain and Discomfort

This one seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at the number of women who experience particular pains regularly and choose not to tell their doctor out of fear of what that pain could be signaling. Getting a diagnosis from your doctor can be overwhelming and scary, which is why it’s important to have a gynecologist or OB/GYN in Miami who can comfort you and be there with you every step of the way. 

Don’t wait to tell your doctor about chronic pains and feelings of discomfort—chances are your physician will be able to help you and give you the best treatment. Symptoms such as urinary pain, breast soreness, and severe cramping are all things that definitely shouldn’t be kept secret from your OB/GYN. 

During a well-woman exam, come prepared to describe the exact pain symptoms you’ve been experiencing and the timeline of your symptoms. While sharp pelvic pain may be a warning sign that you have an infection, a ruptured ovarian cyst, or an ectopic pregnancy, more constant pain or a feeling of fullness in the abdomen may be signs of uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous tumors. 

Other sources of recurring pain can be from your menstrual cycle or sexual intercourse. Cramps, aches, and other pains during your period are completely normal. Still, many women mistake severe, debilitating symptoms that disrupt your daily routine as something they just have to “deal with” for their cycle. 

Always Consult With a Professional | Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women

If you’re experiencing this, don’t keep it from your doctor. Ask about how hormonal contraceptives can help with pain and discomfort during your period. If you’re experiencing pain during sex, your OB/GYN can also perform exams, provide a diagnosis, and prescribe a myriad of treatments to help whatever is causing your pain.

Experiencing chronic pain or discomfort? Don’t keep it a secret. Let your OB/GYN know and get the women’s care you deserve.

Lumps and Bumps

While lumps and bumps on or around your labia and breasts are often benign and harmless, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Your doctor can easily perform an examination whenever you feel a bump or growth in some regions of your body, so don’t hesitate to give them a call. 

Benign lumps on the breasts can be caused by fibrocystic changes, which often occur at times when your hormone levels are changing. Fibrocystic changes can cause your breasts to feel tender and feel “lumpy” because of cysts in the breasts, which are small sacs filled with fluid and occur most often between the ages of 25-50. 

Usually, fibrocystic changes occur before your period when hormone levels cause the fibrous tissues to swell, or they may occur after menopause if you start hormone replacement therapy. However, even if your lumps and bumps turn out to be benign, ask your doctor about which things you can do to reduce breast pain, such as eliminating caffeine intake and taking birth control. 

Always talk to your doctor about any bumps that appear, as they may be a sign of cancer. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women ages 34-50, and at our Center for Women, we strive to provide the best women’s care in Florida by focusing on prevention and early treatment for all types of female cancers.

Irregularities in Smell and Color

Does your vaginal discharge smell a little funky? Get it checked out during a well-woman exam!

Depending on what stage of your menstrual cycle you are in, your vaginal discharge can change in smell, thickness, and color. 

However, if you notice a yellow, green, or gray discharge that has a foul odor, it’s time to see your gynecologist. Irregularities in your discharge can also be accompanied by itching and burning around your vagina, which could indicate some type of vaginitis. 

Two common causes of these symptoms are yeast and bacterial infections, which can be easily treated with medication. It may be embarrassing to talk about, but the sooner you tell your doctor, the sooner your doctor can tell you what it is and how you can start treating it. 

A good rule of thumb is to talk to your doctor whenever anything in your body is drastically changing color, like your nipples, discharge, or urine.

Consult with an OB/GYN in Miami about any secrets you may be keeping about your body. A well-woman exam is a perfect time to have an honest conversation with your doctor. Get the best women’s care in Florida and book an appointment at Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women!

Birth Control, Blog, Cancer Screening, Dr. Susan Fox, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Gynecologist, Gynecology Exam, OBGYN Miami, Well Woman Exam , ,
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