What to Choose? IUD vs Birth Control Pills as a Form of Birth Control in Miami, Florida

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birth control pills

What to Choose? IUD vs Birth Control Pills as a Form of Birth Control in Miami, Florida

Pregnancy on your terms! Modern birth control methods are among the most important and life-changing inventions of the 20th century, and they allow us to live and plan our lives as we want.

The most popular birth control methods in Miami, FL are the birth control pill and IUD (intrauterine device). The birth control pill is a common option a doctor can prescribe. It’s easy to use but also has some downsides. On the other hand, an IUD is inserted into your uterus and lasts for several years without requiring much maintenance from you or your healthcare provider. This makes it a good choice if you don’t want to take hormones or be reminded about using contraception daily. In this article we’ll compare these two options side-by-side so that you can choose which one best fits your lifestyle and needs!

IUD (Intrauterine Device)

The IUD is a small, T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider. The IUD can be left in place for up to 10 years and is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

While this method does not protect against STDs, it’s highly effective at preventing pregnancy for those who are looking for an easy-to-obtain birth control method that doesn’t involve taking a pill every day or having an implanted device placed under their skin.

Types of IUDs

There are two types of IUDs: hormonal and copper. Hormonal IUDs release small amounts of progestin into a woman’s body each day, which prevents pregnancy by thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm from reaching an egg. Copper IUDs do not contain hormones and instead prevent pregnancy by preventing the sperm from fertilizing an egg.

Birth Control Pills

Birth control pills are a popular choice for many women. There are many different types of birth control pills, and they can be better suited to certain women, lifestyles and health conditions than others.

For example, if you have frequent periods that make you feel tired or bloated and want to use a birth control method that prevents ovulation (where the body creates an egg), then progesterone-only pills may be the best choice for you. These do not contain estrogen, which can cause side effects like weight gain and mood changes in some women.

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If taking hormones is not an issue for you but you need long-term protection from pregnancy, then take a look at extended cycle birth control methods such as Seasonique or Lybrel. These products contain active ingredients that prevent ovulation but do not cause bleeding each month so there are fewer hormonal side effects reported by users who took them over time compared with traditional combination oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progesterone; however there is still some minimal bleeding during this period which can result in spotting between menstrual cycles so check with your doctor first before starting any new medication regimen especially if pregnant already!


  • IUDs are more effective than birth control pills. The IUD’s effectiveness (99.9%) is much better than that of the pill (99%).
  • The failure rate for birth control pills increases in the first year of use, but then gets better with time. For example, after one year of use, your chance of getting pregnant while on the pill is only 1% per year; after three years, it’s 2%; after five years, it’s 4%. These numbers are still higher than those for an IUD—0.1%, 0.1%, and 0.1%, respectively—but they do show that over time your odds decrease with a pill regimen (obligatory: may the odds be ever in your favor).


One of the main reasons to choose an IUD over a birth control pill is cost. The IUD can be expensive, but it lasts for years, saving you money in the long run.

Condoms are cheaper than both birth control pills and IUDs, but they’re not as effective in preventing pregnancy. Since condoms don’t protect against STDs, it’s best to use them in conjunction with another method of contraception like an IUD or birth control pill (or both!).

If you want to get pregnant at some point in your life and don’t mind taking a daily pill for three weeks each month, then getting a prescription from your doctor might be the best option for you!


With traditional birth control pills, you may be taking 20 to 30 different hormones each day. The hormonal IUD only uses one hormone—levonorgestrel, which is the same hormone found in many birth control pills. You usually won’t experience mood changes or weight gain with this method and it doesn’t interrupt your menstrual cycle like other methods might.

Side Effects

The most important thing to know about side effects is that, if you don’t experience them at first, you’re probably not going to experience them. A lot of people who try birth control pills or IUDs will have no side effects at all. If you do have side effects, they’ll almost always be mild and should go away within a few months of starting your method.

When it comes to which method has more serious side effects, the answer is both—and neither one’s perfect. Birth control pills can cause rare but serious complications like blood clots (which is why they’re not recommended if you smoke), heart attack and stroke if taken by women over 35 years old, or the risk of ovarian cancer in premenopausal women under 40 years old. The biggest problem with the birth control pill is irregular bleeding: some people report experiencing spotting between periods or unpredictable menstrual cycles after taking oral contraceptives for months on end.

There are far fewer risks associated with using an IUD as opposed to taking oral contraceptives, but there are still some potential problems worth considering when deciding whether this method would be better suited for your lifestyle than traditional hormonal methods might be

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In short, the birth control pill is a good choice for women who want to have a period each month. The IUD is a great option for women who cannot remember to take their pills every day.

If you’re worried about getting pregnant, be sure to talk with your doctor about the pros and cons of both methods before making your decision.

If you decide on birth control pills, it’s important that you take them at the same time each day so that they can work effectively as protection against pregnancy. Missing even one pill increases your chance of getting pregnant by almost 50%. If you forget to take any pills within 3 hours of when they were supposed to be taken, they will not work properly and may cause nausea or vomiting (which could cause dehydration), dizziness or sleepiness (which could lead to accidents), irregular bleeding or spotting between periods (which can also cause anemia), mood swings or depression (both short-term and long-term).

If you choose an IUD:

It should not interfere with sex since there are no hormones in this form of contraception used inside the uterus itself rather than taken orally like most other forms on insertable devices do not affect emotional state either because they contain no hormones; however some people do report changes such as headaches with insertion/removal procedures discomfort during intercourse due to cramping pain at first but usually goes away after several days/weeks post insertion when tissue around where device inserted begins healing process causing slight discomfort during intercourse until healed completely.

The IUD is a Long-Term, Low-Maintenance Birth Control Option

It’s also the most effective form of reversible contraception available for women who want to prevent pregnancy. It’s a small T-shaped device that is inserted into the uterus by a doctor, and can remain in place for up to 5 years. That means you don’t have to worry about taking or remembering daily pills or getting shots every month while worrying about forgetting to pick up your prescription on time.

The only thing you need to do once the IUD has been inserted is check if it’s still there every so often (for example, during your annual exam). If it isn’t where it should be, call us immediately—the sooner we can get in touch with our skilled gynecologists in Miami who specialize in removing them safely and efficiently before they cause any damage!

Which Birth Control Method is Your Contraception?

There are many different birth control methods available, but there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to choosing the right one for you. Some women want something they don’t have to think about; others prefer a method that provides long-term protection against pregnancy and STDs. While some are more effective than others, none of them guarantees 100% protection against getting pregnant or contracting an STD—that’s why it’s important to use them correctly every time you have sex.

If you want to discuss your birth control options with a doctor, please contact our office. We are here to serve you!

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Miami, FL 33183
(305) 595-3532
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