If you’re looking for an effective, long-lasting form of contraceptive, the birth control implant might be right for you. It releases hormones that prevent pregnancy, and it can stay in place for years. It is among the most effective forms of reversible birth control available.
In this article, we’ll go over everything you need to know about getting an implant and keeping one. So read on!
What Is A Birth Control Implant?
The birth control implant, like Nexplanon, is a small, flexible rod about the size of a matchstick that’s placed under the skin of your upper arm. The implant releases a progestin that keeps your ovaries from releasing an egg each month. You’ll still have periods but they will be lighter and less frequent than before you inserted the implant. This type of birth control works well for many women because it doesn’t require remembering to take a pill every day or using condoms every time they have sex.
The birth control implant is one of the most effective reversible options available today. If you’re looking for a birth control solution that is safe, effective, and convenient, birth control implants for the arm may be right for you. Also, if you’re looking for a method that’s long-term, hormone-free, and reversible, the birth control implant for your arm might be right for you.
How Does the Implant Work?
You can get the birth control implant for your arm and put in at any time during your menstrual cycle, as long as you’re not already pregnant. You’ll need to make an appointment with your doctor or nurse practitioner.
Your doctor or nurse will make a small cut in your skin and insert the rod into your upper arm using a special tool that looks like a large needle with a short handle on one end. The procedure takes about 10 minutes, and most people don’t feel any pain during the procedure or after.
Experience periods Without The Hassle Of Maintaining Birth Control Pills
If you’re looking for a way to experience periods without the hassle of having to maintain and replace a birth control pill every month, then the implant might be right for you. The implant can be used for 3 years and then needs to be removed and replaced with a new one. The progestin hormone in the implant prevents pregnancy by thinning the lining of your uterus so sperm cannot enter it to fertilize an egg. Some women may experience irregular bleeding or spotting during their first few months using this method of birth control, but most women do not have these symptoms after their initial adjustment period ends.
Birth Control Implants Help to Keep Your Hormones In Check
If you’re looking for a birth control option that keeps your hormones in check, birth control implants for your arm may be the best choice for you. While the IUD options and the pill are also effective ways of preventing pregnancy, they don’t have any impact on your body’s hormones. In other words, they won’t change how you feel in the long run and that can make it harder to predict how your body will react to these medications.
Birth control implants are different. They release hormones slowly into your body, which helps regulate your menstrual cycle and keep your hormones at an even keel. This means that if you’re looking for a birth control method that works with your body’s natural rhythm instead of against it, this is probably a good choice for you. There’s one other benefit, once you insert the implant, you don’t have to think about it again until it’s time for removal (after 3 years).
How Effective Are Birth Control Implants?
One of the most common questions about implants is whether or not they are a reliable form of contraception. And there’s a good reason for that: when it comes to preventing pregnancy, they are extremely effective, with a less than 1% failure rate. The insertion works by releasing hormones into your body, preventing ovulation and thickening cervical mucus so sperm cannot reach the egg.
If you use the implant correctly, you (almost) can’t get pregnant. And if something does go wrong, spotting and breakthrough bleeding will usually be your first indication that something is off.
To make sure that your implant is working for you as intended, here’s what to look out for:
- Missed periods
- Spotting or breakthrough bleeding during or after sex
- Cramping during sex (this may indicate an incorrect location of the device)
How Are The Implants Inserted?
If you choose to go with the implant, it’s important that you see a doctor who is specifically trained in inserting and removing the implant. Dr. Susan Fox is among the most qualified people in the Miami area to do this.
If done incorrectly, it can cause pain or even prevent the implant from working properly. Most doctors will also require you to be on birth control pills for at least one cycle before they put in the contraceptive device. This helps regulate your cycle and make sure there are no issues with getting pregnant right away after its insertion.
The implant can be placed in your arm during a single office visit. It takes a few minutes to get the insertion on the skin of the upper arm. When the implant is in place, you can feel the implant with your hand on the skin of the upper hand. The implant will remain in place for three years before it needs to be replaced. While it’s in place, you don’t need to do anything else! The hormonal birth control effects are completely internalized by the body. You can have sex without using another form of birth control or wearing a condom because there’s very little risk of pregnancy while the implant is implanted.
Nexplanon and Implanon are two brands of birth control implants for arms available today. Both brands contain the hormone progestin, which when the implant is inserted under the skin, prevents pregnancy and ensures good sexual health.
Birth Control Implants Do Not Protect Against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
It’s important to remember that the implant doesn’t protect against sexual transmitted infections (STIs). If you have a partner and are concerned about STIs, the best way to prevent them is by using a condom every time you have sex. If your partner develops symptons of an STI, it’s important that you are also tested and treated as soon as possible. If you suspect that your partner may be cheating on you or hiding something from you, communicate openly as there is nothing more important than your sexual health.
Contraceptive Implant Removal
You’ve decided to remove your contraceptive implant. How do you do it? The removal process takes only a few minutes, but it’s important that you don’t try to do it yourself or attempt to remove the implant at home.
If possible, schedule a follow-up appointment for about two weeks after the procedure to ensure that everything went well and to check for any side effects from removing the implant.
The doctor will then locate the implant with the help of an ultrasound device or an X-ray machine. Make a tiny incision in the skin over the implant using a scalpel or other sharp object. Pull out the implant with forceps or tweezers and throw it away and close up the incision with sutures or bandages and apply ointment if necessary. Immediate care is required afterwards to prevent blood clot and bruise where it was removed.
What Are The Drawbacks Of Birth Control Implants?
The most common side effects of implants are irregular bleeding, weight gain, acne, headaches and breast tenderness.
These symptoms may result from hormonal changes in your body caused by the implant. In general, these symptoms occur less frequently than with other types of hormonal contraceptive methods and usually go away within a few months after you start using the implant or stop using it altogether if they become too bothersome to continue with the method.
If you experience any severe or persistent problems that may suggest an adverse reaction to this medication such as irregular menstrual bleeding or unusual weight gain/loss talk to your doctor about it as soon as possible so appropriate measures can be taken!
Overall, The Benefits Outweigh The Drawbacks
If you’re looking for a birth control option that’s long-term and convenient, you can’t go wrong with an implant. It’s also a great option if you don’t want to take the pill every day or if you have trouble remembering when it is time to take it. The implant could be right for women who dislike taking pills because they feel like they’re pregnant all their life and constantly take something new each month (or week). This method is also more effective than other forms of contraception such as condoms and withdrawal methods, which means fewer pregnancies will occur overall.
So now that you’re up to speed on the pros and cons of birth control implants, it’s time to ask yourself: am I ready for this? If you’re looking for a reliable form of birth control that won’t require you to remember daily pills, talk to us about whether or not a birth control implant for the arm is right for you.