What to Expect from Your First Gynecology Appointment After Birth
The care you receive after your pregnancy is just as important as what’s received during it. After birth, it’s common for women to feel a whirlwind of emotions and experience a handful of symptoms that relate to pregnancy. Postpartum depression, experienced by most mothers, is a dramatic drop in hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in your body. Hormones produced by your thyroid gland also may drop sharply, which can leave you feeling tired, sluggish, and depressed.
For most women, postpartum depression is scary. Some feel as if they have lost and their partner may not know what to do to assist. At Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women, we pride in making sure women are not alone during their Postpartum depression period. How long postpartum depression lasts varies from mother to mother. Studies show that 30% of women who did not receive postnatal care suffered depression for over three years. A Gynecology Appointment After Birth is ideal for all women, and Dr. Susan Fox can make you feel welcome.
Here’s what you can expect at your Gynecology Appointment After Birth:
An annual checkup.
Luckily, your postpartum exams count as your yearly gynecological visit, so you’ don’t have to worry about any extra fees. Here, you can expect a pap smear, pelvic exam and breast check for lumps and masses. This includes cancerous lumps and blocked milk ducts. Your doctor will also perform many of the same exams done at a physical including checking your weight, height, blood pressure. Your doctor may also ask about any pregnancy conditions you had or your nutrition to make sure you’re staying on track with a healthy lifestyle. During this exam, your doctor may test your blood sugar and suggest dietary changes if needed.
Discuss your mental health.
Postpartum depression is treatable and can be talked about at your Gynecology Appointment After Birth. Your doctor understands that this period may be hard and is here to listen. They may ask how you’re bonding with your baby and if you’re experiencing any challenges of a new mommy. Many feel overwhelmed, but if fear not, your Gynecology Appointment After Birth with Dr. Susan Fox can help.
Examine your post-pregnancy body.
During your annual exam, your doctor will check your pelvic area. This will ensure that your uterus is close to its pre-pregnancy dimensions. Your uterus ought to be the size of a pear, and the shrinking process usually takes around two months. Those that have had a C section need to be checked to make sure that the incision is healing properly. Your thyroid gland may also be tested. Your thyroid works overtime producing hormones during pregnancy and may become oversized. Hopefully, it does not lead to a condition is called postpartum thyroiditis, which can act as if it’s overactive. Other common issues that may occur are incontinence, constipation, or hemorrhoids that can be addressed during your Gynecology Appointment After Birth.
Receive expert care after your birth with Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women. A Gynecology Appointment After Birth is key to keeping you on track to a healthy life after pregnancy.
Give us a call at (305) 595-6488 to set up an appointment or click here to reach one of our professionals right now!