Tag Archives: Doctors in Miami

Ditch The Pill: These Birth Control Options Rule 2019

Kick “The Pill” to the Curb with these Birth Control Options The Pill—a name that is so abstract and non-specific, yet a name that we’ve all heard of before. Birth control pills are a small solution for a big concern. Through providing your body with hormones of estrogen and progestin to prevent pregnancy, The Pill […]

Birth Control, Blog, Gynecologist

Postpartum Checkup: What to Expect At Your Gynecology Appointment After Birth

What to Expect from Your First Gynecology Appointment After Birth The care you receive after your pregnancy is just as important as what’s received during it. After birth, it’s common for women to feel a whirlwind of emotions and experience a handful of symptoms that relate to pregnancy. Postpartum depression, experienced by most mothers, is […]

Blog, Gynecologist, Gynecology Exam

What Can You Expect During the Recovery Process of an Endometrial Ablation?

Endometrial Ablation If you have been suffering from abnormal bleeding from your uterus that doesn’t seem to go away with medicine or hormone therapy, the cause may be a benign (non-cancerous) condition in your uterus. At Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women, our physicians can run tests to see if an Endometrial Ablation is an […]

Blog, Dr. Susan Fox, Hysteroscopy

Learn How Hormone Replacement Can Help Relieve Symptoms of Menopause!

Best Hormone Replacement Therapy As you age and your estrogen levels naturally decrease, the symptoms of menopause can begin to appear. Hot flashes, trouble sleeping, moodiness, and weight gain are just some of the differences you may begin to notice as your body begins to make this transition. If you are currently experiencing these symptoms […]


When Should You Contact a Medical Professional for a Hysteroscopy Procedure?

Robotic Hysterectomy Procedure Having your uterus removed is a serious and important surgery that a doctor may recommend in certain situations. This surgery, called a Hysterectomy, can seem like a frightening and dangerous process. At Dr. Susan Fox’s Center for Women, our Robotic Hysterectomy Procedure is a technologically advanced and more efficient way to have […]

Blog, Cancer Screening, Dr. Susan Fox

Why Do Our Experts Recommend a Colposcopy After Abnormal Pap Smear Results?

Gyn Procedure Colposcopy If you have recently had a Pap smear test done and the results come back as abnormal, your physician may have recommended you have a colposcopy as a follow-up. This safe procedure is helpful to doctors because it can help diagnose genital warts, cervix inflammation, and precancerous changes in tissue. At Dr. […]
