Tag Archives: Birth Control Plan in Miami

Ditch The Pill: These Birth Control Options Rule 2019

Kick “The Pill” to the Curb with these Birth Control Options The Pill—a name that is so abstract and non-specific, yet a name that we’ve all heard of before. Birth control pills are a small solution for a big concern. Through providing your body with hormones of estrogen and progestin to prevent pregnancy, The Pill […]

Birth Control, Blog, Gynecologist

Postpartum Checkup: What to Expect At Your Gynecology Appointment After Birth

What to Expect from Your First Gynecology Appointment After Birth The care you receive after your pregnancy is just as important as what’s received during it. After birth, it’s common for women to feel a whirlwind of emotions and experience a handful of symptoms that relate to pregnancy. Postpartum depression, experienced by most mothers, is […]

Blog, Gynecologist, Gynecology Exam

Looking for a Long Lasting Birth Control Method? Nexplanon May Be Right for You

Arm IUD Contraceptive When you are prepared for it, a baby can be one of the biggest blessings in an individual’s life. However, some women do not want to run the risk of becoming pregnant before they are absolutely certain that they are physically, emotionally, and financially stable enough to bring a child into their […]
