
June 13, 2023

How Long Does Nexplanon Implant Last And What To Expect: A Comprehensive Guide

Nexplanon is one popular birth control option for women today.  Being a highly effective form of long-acting reversible contraception, Nexaplanon has gained widespread acceptance among women young and old seeking a convenient and reliable birth control method. This comprehensive blog post will explore the Nexplanon birth control implant, focusing on its effectiveness, duration, and potential side effects. We will also discuss the Nexplanon time frame in detail, helping you decide whether this option is right for you.

What Is Nexplanon Birth Control Implant?

Nexplanon is a small, flexible plastic rod that is inserted under the skin of the upper arm by a healthcare professional. It releases a continuous, low dose of the hormone etonogestrel implant. This progestin implant prevents pregnancy, suppresses ovulation in women, thickens the mucus to hinder sperm movement, and thins the uterine lining to prevent pregnancy.

Nexplanon is a highly effective contraceptive method with a less than 1% failure rate. This means fewer than 1 in 100 women using Nexplanon arm implants as their primary birth control method will become pregnant yearly. One of the critical differences between Nexplanon and other birth control methods is its long-lasting effectiveness and convenience. The Nexplanon time frame is significantly longer than pills or patches, requiring regular attention.

How Long Does Nexplanon Last?

Nexplanon is designed to provide continuous contraception for up to three years. The Nexplanon time frame is one of its most significant benefits. Nexplanon contraceptives are effective for up to three years, making it one of the longest-lasting reversible birth control options. In comparison, birth control pills and patches must be taken or replaced weekly or monthly, and intrauterine devices (IUDs) can last anywhere from three to ten years, depending on the type. 

This extended Nexplanon time frame can provide peace of mind and convenience for those who choose this method. It’s crucial to keep track of your insertion date and schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to remove or replace the device when it’s due.

What To Expect During The Nexplanon Insertion Process

It's important to know the Nexplanon time frame before its insertion

The insertion of Nexplanon is a quick and straightforward procedure that can be performed in your healthcare provider’s office. Here’s what you can expect during the process:

  1. Consultation: Before the insertion, your healthcare provider will discuss your medical history, perform a physical examination, and ensure you’re not pregnant. They will also explain the procedure, its benefits, and potential side effects and answer any questions you may have. 
  2. Preparation: Your healthcare provider will clean the area where the implant will be inserted inside your upper arm. They will then administer a local anesthetic to numb the area, ensuring that you experience minimal discomfort during the procedure. 
  3. Insertion: Using a specialized applicator, your healthcare provider will insert the Nexplanon implant just under the skin of your upper arm. The entire process typically takes just a few minutes. 
  4. Post-Insertion Care: After the implant is in place, your healthcare provider will place a small bandage over the insertion site and provide you with instructions on how to care for the area as it heals. They may also schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure the implant is positioned correctly and address any concerns you may have.


What To Expect After Nexplanon Insertion

After the Nexplanon implant is inserted, knowing what to expect regarding side effects, changes to your menstrual cycle, and other considerations is essential. Here’s what you need to know:

Side Effects

As with any medication, Nexplanon can cause side effects, although not everyone experiences them. Some common side effects include

  • Pain, bruising, or swelling at the insertion site 
  • Headaches 
  • Breast tenderness 
  • Changes in mood or emotional well-being 
  • Weight gain 
  • Acne 
  • Menstrual bleeding 

These side effects are usually mild and tend to improve over time. However, if you experience severe or persistent side effects, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider.

Changes To Your Menstrual Cycle

Changes in the menstrual cycle is commun during Nexplanon time frame

One of the most common changes women experience when using Nexplanon is alterations to their menstrual cycle. Some women may experience:

  • Irregular bleeding or spotting between periods 
  • Lighter or heavier periods 
  • Longer or shorter periods 
  • The absence of periods altogether 

These changes are generally not a cause for concern and are a normal response to the hormonal changes caused by the implant. However, consult your healthcare provider for advice if you experience persistent or severe changes to your menstrual cycle.

Pregnancy And Nexplanon

While Nexplanon is highly effective at preventing pregnancy, no contraceptive method is 100% foolproof. If you suspect, you may be pregnant while using Nexplanon, taking a pregnancy test and consulting your healthcare provider as soon as possible is essential. If you do become pregnant while using Nexplanon, the implant should be removed promptly, as its continued presence may increase the risk of pregnancy complications. 

To manage potential side effects during the Nexplanon time frame, consider tracking your symptoms and discussing them with your healthcare provider. They can offer personalized advice and, if necessary, recommend alternative birth control methods that may be better suited to your needs.

Removal And Replacement Of Nexplanon Birth Control

After three years, or if you discontinue its use, you’ll need to remove the implant. The removal process is similar to the insertion procedure:

  1. Consultation: Your healthcare provider will discuss your reasons for wanting the implant removed and answer any questions. 
  2. Preparation: The area around the implant will be cleaned, and a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area. 
  3. Removal: Your healthcare provider will make a small incision near the implant and gently remove it using specialized instruments. The entire process typically takes just a few minutes. 
  4. Post-Removal Care: A small bandage will be placed over the incision site, and your healthcare provider will provide instructions on how to care for the area as it heals. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Using Nexplanon Implant

As with any medical decision, it’s essential to be well-informed about your options. we’ll address some of the most frequently asked questions about Nexplanon implant releases to help you decide whether this contraceptive method suits you.

  1. Can I Get Pregnant After Having Nexplanon Removed? 

Your fertility should return to its average level soon after removing the Nexplanon implant. Many women can become pregnant within a few weeks to months after removal. However, the time it takes for fertility to return can vary from person to person.

  1. Will Nexplanon Affect My Menstrual Cycle? 

One of the most common changes women experience when using Nexplanon is alterations to their menstrual cycle (vaginal bleeding). Some women may experience:

  • Irregular bleeding or spotting between periods 
  • Lighter or heavier periods 
  • Longer or shorter periods 
  • The absence of periods altogether. 

These changes are generally not a cause for concern and are a normal response to the hormonal changes caused by the implant. However, consult your healthcare provider for advice if you experience persistent or severe changes to your menstrual cycle.

  1. Can I use tampons while using Nexplanon? 

Yes, you can continue to use tampons while using Nexplanon. The implant is placed under the skin of your upper arm and will not be affected by the use of tampons during your period.

  1. Can I have Nexplanon inserted immediately after giving birth or having an abortion/miscarriage? 

Yes, Nexplanon insertion and removal can be done immediately after giving birth, having an abortion, or experiencing a miscarriage. However, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate timing for insertion based on your specific circumstances.

  1. Does Nexplanon protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs)? 

No, Nexplanon does not protect against STIs. To protect yourself from STIs, it’s essential to use barrier methods, such as condoms, during sexual activity.

  1. Can I use Nexplanon if I’m breastfeeding? 

Yes, Nexplanon is considered safe for use during breastfeeding. The hormones in Nexplanon are not known to have any adverse effects on breast milk production or the health of a nursing infant. However, discussing your situation with your healthcare provider before choosing a contraceptive method while breastfeeding is essential.

  1. Can Nexplanon be used as emergency contraception? 

No, Nexplanon is not designed to be used as emergency contraception. If you require emergency ovary contraception, consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist about the available options, such as the morning-after pill.

While it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects and changes to your menstrual cycle, many women find that the benefits of this low-maintenance birth control method far outweigh any drawbacks if you’re considering it.

The Nexplanon time frame is a significant advantage, providing up to three years of protection. However, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects and discuss your needs with your healthcare provider to determine if it’s the right choice. Remember, the best birth control method fits your lifestyle and health needs, so don’t hesitate to explore all your options and consult us today to book an appointment for personalized advice.

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