Tag Archives: gynecology

10 Common Issues Relating To Gynecology And How To Tackle Them

Gynecological health is an essential topic for women of all ages. However, due to societal norms or inadequate knowledge, issues related to gynecological health are often overlooked. Gynecology encompasses a range of medical aspects specific to women, including the female reproductive system, pelvic health, and more. This field is about treating health concerns and focuses […]

Blog, Gynecologist, Gynecology Exam, Health, Menstrual Irregularities

Three Myths About Vaginal Hygiene

When it comes to vaginal hygiene, it can sometimes feel like a never-ending cycle of trying things that could “possibly” work or leave you with an uncomfortable infection. It’s no wonder why women feel hesitant when it comes to discussing their feminine needs. Too many people on the internet talking often leave you with information […]

Blog, Dr. Susan Fox, Gynecologist, Health, Vaginal hygiene, Vaginal Rejuvenation

What Every Woman Should Know About Sex and Menopause

A common misconception is that men are the only ones who can suffer from sexual dysfunction. The reality is that many women also experience this frustrating condition, especially during menopause. It’s important to know what symptoms are normal and your treatment options as you experience menopause.

Blog, Dr. Susan Fox, Female Sexual Dysfunction, Gynecologist, Gynecology Exam, OBGYN Miami